Bennett School for Girls
1890- 1978
Millbrook, New York
The Bennett School for Girls was built in Millbrook, New York in 1890 by James E. Ware. Designed in the Victorian Queen Anne style, with tall stone chimneys and wooden pillars that would catch your eye. It opened as a luxury hotel known as Halcyon Hall but failed to spark the interest of the wealthily. By 1901 the hotel closed its door. It laid vacant for 6 years until the Bennett School for Girls took interest in Halcyon Hall. The Bennett School for Girls was a junior college that would offer two year degrees to women. Durning its stay, the school made many changes to Halcyon Hall. They torn down the courtyard and added dorms, classrooms, the Gage Hall, the Alumnae Hall, and a Theatre. In the early 70s a change in mood towards two year Colleges started and the school found it self struggling keep students. With a last ditch effect to try and save the school they tried to merge with another local school to offer a 4 year degree but failed to take off. It closed its doors in 1978.